About Us

Founded by a pet lover and owner, Kawaii Petto has come a long way from its beginnings. It all started on the evening of September 5, 2017, when a clingy stray cat walked into my home and would not leave. Never a pet lover before, I was touched by the actions of this cat. This cat was determined to grab my attention in every way possible in order to be pampered. This eventually melted my heart and I decided to adopt the cat. I named this female cat Miao Miao as she would not stop meowing for my attention when we first met.

Since then, I became a big fan of animals. I am constantly searching for cute and innovative pet products for Miao Miao. My passion for innovative pet products and my love for Miao Miao drove me to create the Paw Print Pad - a wonderful toolkit to capture the paw print of my lovely cat in an easy, clean and mess-free way.                                 

Then one day I came across a dog lovers group and saw stories of grieving dog owners who are missing their beloved dogs who have crossed the rainbow bridge. I then thought I should extend the Paw Print Pad to all pet lovers so everyone could capture the paw prints of their beloved pets as a wonderful keepsake. This is when I founded Kawaii Petto.

From all of us at Kawaii Petto, we hope you pet lovers enjoy our product as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

- Mak, founder of Kawaii Petto